I know, as do many, from experience, that setting goals isn't something thought about often, until of course a new year comes knocking at our door, and then there is a lot of "wishing" for change.
The reason I say "wishing" is because that's basically what it is. For me, I knew there was something that I wished would change, majority of the time, it was a bad habit or weight loss at a certain time in my life, but I didn't know where to go beyond wanting and wishing things were different. This is because, I didn't know how to set goals and achieve them.
Answer this......do you feel like you bust your butt, work hard, but don't seem to get anything worthwhile from it? Perhaps you're just floating along in this world?
Well, it's quite possible that it's because you haven't taken the time to really think about what you want in life and haven't set goals for yourself. It's easy to wish something, but would you leap on a moving train with an unknown destination? I'm guessing probably not!
Many don't realize how powerful goal setting really is. It's a process for thinking about how you want your future to be and motivating yourself to make this vision of yours into a reality. Goal setting not only helps you envision where you want your life to go, and what you to achieve, but it can also help you spot distractions that can lead you away from reaching your those goals. By knowing what you want to achieve, goal setting maps out where and what to concentrate your efforts on.
Why is goal setting a big deal?
Well, like I said earlier, you wouldn't jump on a train without knowing your destination. Well, perhaps you know what your destination looks like, in your mind, but is this moving train taking you to all the right stops to get you there? Mapping it out seems much more logical and more importantly, enjoyable, doesn't it?
Setting goals and then mapping it out give you short term motivation for a long term vision. It helps you focus and organize your time and resources, so you can make the most of it.
Whose going to be on this train? What stops will it be making? Will I meet new people along the way? What will I eat? Where will I sleep? What will I learn along the way to my destination? What do I need to get there?
So let's explore how you get started setting your goals!
Goals can be set on SO many levels! I seriously just started my new goals for this new year and my categories are:
Career, financial, personal, fitness, family, relationship, spiritual, body, nutrition, materialistic, and Coaching improvements!
You can literally set goals for just about anything! Here's how:
First, you create or envision your "big picture." What do you want to do or change in your life? What do you want to achieve? * Remember.....it can be as small or as BIG as you want them to be.....don't hold back!
Second, you start to break these larger goals into smaller targets and then even smaller targets to hit, to reach those bigger goals. (Don't worry, I'll break it down in a minute)
Third, once you have your plan, you take action!
Here's a step by step look at how I personally set my goals and how I start to take action:
Step 1: I determine whether or not these are going to be 10yr, 5yr, or 1yr goals. (For this example, I'm just going to use a 1 yr goal.)
I pick a day where I have at least an hour, to sit and really place all my energy and thought into what I want to achieve in the next year. I pick a place that's quiet (usually when the kid's are in school), a place that is comfortable (for me, it is belly down on my tempurpedic, with my cat next to me purring away;). *Tip: if it helps, you can play soft music or whatever will soften your mind so you can really focus on what you want. Once I'm ready.....I start to brainstorm.
What's Brainstorming?
Well, I will simply explain it as writing every thought, goal, or change that I want to see happen in my future (1yr). Brainstorming is thinking and then writing it all on paper.
Step 2: I will take a look at my brainstorm, and I will choose which ones are the most important. (Realize they are ALL important or else they wouldn't be on the paper and that is where you determine which goals are closest and dearest to your heart and the ones you want to see happen the soonest). I select the ones that will make the biggest impact and are where I want to spend my focus on. I then trim them again, so I have smaller goals to focus on.
*Remember: These are YOUR goals, not your parents', family, friends, employers etc. Be mindful of your partner, if you have one, but remain true to YOU.
Step 3: After I choose my most important/ MAIN FOCUS goals,
I then get S.M.A.R.T.
S= Specific
M= Measurable
A= Attainable
R= Realistic
T= Timely
I got specific earlier when I determined my bigger goals and whether I wanted to set 10, 5, or 1 yr goals, but I get even more specific than that! How so? Why?
I set my goals around a time frame and a date....yes, and actual date. I also get very CLEAR about my goals. Why? Because if we don't get specific and clear about our goals , meaning : What? When? How? or Why?, it isn't truly made into a goal. It's a wish or a want.....right......like I used to do in the past. By being specific....it set us into action, gets us moving. Getting clear, attaches exactly what we are preparing to take action for. I put a month and a year on each step so I know when I want to achieve them by.
How do goals become measurable? Well, again, time frame or when you want to reach the goal is a form of measuring, but creating smaller tasks leading up to the big picture, or goal, makes it measurable.
"I want to lose weight." NOT specific OR measurable.
"I want to lose 10lbs by January 4, 2015. Specific AND measurable.
This creates the opportunity to put in perspective the smaller steps (or measures) you need to do to accomplish losing those 10lbs by January 4, 2015.
In order to lose 10lbs by January 4, 2015, I need to.....(fill in the blank)
AND, these steps can also themselves be measured to check progress (or no progress) along the way. (measurements, scale, pics, loose clothing etc)
Is your goal(s) attainable? I don't like to put limits on my goals because honestly, we can be or do and achieve anything, but in my life, what would I consider to be attainable? What will reaching this goal look like for me and what am I willing to put in to achieve it? No one else can do it for me.....so I'm honest with myself, so should you be! Also....are there financial means to attaining your goal? Do you need to be in a certain place to attain your goal? Do you need anything in particular that may need to be of focus FIRST, before you can attain your goal?
I look at my goals very closely, and I determine if they are realistic for me, in my life. I'm not going to set a goal for myself that just sits in limbo because it isn't realistic at this point in my life. If I have a goal and it just doesn't fit into my life's plan at this point in time, I will add it to a future goal lists.
Some ways to figure out if it's realistic....Ask:
Am I willing to put in the work for it?
Does it align with my values and priorities in life at the moment?
Does this fit in with what I'm aiming for?
Does this go along with what I value in my life and my families life?
Determine when you want reach your goals, or goal. At least a month and a year. Setting a date allows your steps to be laid out into daily actions.
I then set steps to take Monthly, weekly and daily, so that I will be able to reach my goals by my desired date.
Here is an example of the goal: Lose 10lbs by January 4, 2015.
- Workout for 1 hour at the gym, before work, with my trainer for 22 days.
- Weekends off for rest
- I will eat clean, healthy, whole food 80% of the time for 30 days.
- I will drink at least 60 oz of water daily, for 30 days.
- I will find a support group to help keep me motivated and held accountable or find a workout buddy.
- Workout with trainer at the gym, Mon-Fri,before work for 1 hour, doing 30 minutes of cardio, 15 mins of resistance training, 10 minutes warming up, and 5 minutes stretching.
- I will eat clean 80% of the time, allowing one cheat meal on Sundays.
- Drink 60oz of water 7 days a week.
- Take measurements and progress pictures on Saturday mornings, first thing to track progress.
- I will prep my meals for the week, for 2 hours, every Sunday.
Daily: Ex; Monday
- 5am: Get up. Make coffee. Eat breakfast from clean eating plan.
- 6am: Get ready and dressed for gym.
- 7am: Get meals packed and ready to take to work and fill water bottle.
- Workout with Jim, 8am-9am. Warm up 10 minutes, Cardio 30 minutes, resistance training 15 minutes, stretching 5 minutes.
- 930-1030: eat post workout snack, shower and get ready for work
- Work: 11am-7pm
- 730pm get ready for next day
- Bed: 9pm
This is just an example I've given you, so that it hopefully gives you an idea of how to break things all the way down to what you should be doing on a daily basis to achieve your goals.
Even though this may seem daunting, it's worth putting in the time, as with anything important you want to see change in your life. You come to realize how rewarding and easier life can be when you have first a vision for your life, and a map to get you there. This creates a purpose for most. It also builds confidence along the way as you reach each small goal on your journey to the big ones.
Here are some more tips for goal setting. Some are just clarified of the ones above for you.
- Positively affirm your goals daily as a statement. " I am strong, and capable, ready and willing to lose 10lbs by January 4, 2015."
- Be Precise. Putting dates, times and amounts so you can measure achievement. If you do this, you will be aware of exactly when you have achieved the goal and take satisfaction in it.
- Set Priorities. If you have more than one goal, give each one a priority. This avoids overwhelm by having too many goals and helps direct your attention to the most important ones.
- Write your goals down. This sets them in stone and gives them more force.
- Keep lower level goals small and achievable. If it's too large right off the bat, it will feel like no progress is being made. Small and incremental goals, give more opportunity for reward.
- Set performance, NOT outcome goals! Set your goals in which you can have control over achieving. You don't want to feel as if you have failed at a goal because of uncontrollable circumstances. Examples: Bad work environment, or unexpected changes.
- Make sure your goals are realistic. Anyone can set a goal FOR you in an unrealistic away, in ignorance of your own desires and ambitions. Only YOU know what you are willing to work for, how hard you are willing to work for and, and ultimately what YOU want in life.
- You can also possibly set goals that are too difficult because you might not appreciate the obstacles that may get in the way, or understand a skill you may need.
If you have struggled with goal setting, I can help! I provide free consultations for those who are ready and willing to make changes in their lives. If you would like to set up a consultation, please email me at
wbrungraber@gmail.com, so we can set up a time to connect. I hope this helps you in setting goals for yourself, and opens up a bright future for you!
Much Love,
The Invigorated Soul